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St. John's UCC ice cream social Aug. 1

St. John's United Church of Christ will hold an ice cream social from 5 to 7 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 1, at the church.

The menu includes homemade ice cream, homemade fruit pies, Sara's hot meat sandwiches, hot dogs and potatoes chips.

The event is hosted by the Evangelism Committee of the church and it is open to the public.


Raining deer

A familiar Bluffton rumor is that a fairly large herd of deer live in the woods along Augsburger Road between Riverbend and Bentley Road. The Icon spotted several members of the herd in the Del and Susie Gratz cornfield. How many can you spot in this photo?

Raining deer

A familiar Bluffton rumor is that a fairly large herd of deer live in the woods along Augsburger Road between Riverbend and Bentley Road. The Icon spotted several members of the herd in the Del and Susie Gratz cornfield. How many can you spot in this photo?

Thirty-five what?

CRAIG 35 could be the first name of the driver of this vehicle The Icon spotted in the Mennonite Memorial Home parking lot. We suspect, however, that it is the last name. But what does 35 represent?


Community garage sale registration deadline extended

The registration deadline for the second Bluffton Community Garage Sale has been extended to July 22. The previous deadline was July 17. The Friends of the Bluffton Public Library are sponsoring this event as one of their major fundraisers for the year.

"We hope members of Bluffton will clean out their closets and garages and offer their no longer needed furniture, books, toys, kitchen items, antiques, canning jars, clothes, and appliances for sale Aug 5 and 6 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Aug. 7 from 8 p.m. until the seller wishes to close," said Janis Potter of the Friends."


Maple Crest resident-family picnic Aug. 10

Maple Crest will hold its annual resident and family picnic at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 10, in the Patio Room at Maple Crest.

Main dishes and table service is provided. Families attending are asked to bring a favorite dessert to share. There is no cost for the event. RSVP by Monday, Aug. 2, to 419-358-7654.

