The Cory-Rawson Impressions will present An Evening at the Cabaret on Friday, May 8 and Saturday, May 9. The show takes place in the Cory-Rawson High School Gym at 6:30 pm. General Admission $6.00 both evenings.
A dinner theater is offered on May 8 only, and includes a catered dinner of salad,
brisket, rosemary potatoes, green beans, dinner roll, and dessert for $12.
Tickets can be purchased from any Impressions member, or by calling the
school at 419-963-3415, or via email at [email protected].
Bluffton Tree Commission planted four native trees as part of the renovation of Bluffton's original cemetery. The trees were red maple, hackberry, shagbark hickory, and pin oak.
• The Icon encourages posting your garage sale with us.
• There's no charge to post garage sales.
• All garage sales are automatically posted on both Bluffton Icon and Ada Icon.
Here's how it works:
1 - Type your garage sale information into your e-mail message area. Send your ad to: [email protected]
Annual referendum voting period is May 1-15,
with six meetings scheduled around Ohio
to discuss ballot items and other current topics
Bluffton hosts one of six athletic discussion meetings sponsored by the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) that review the items on which member schools will vote in May.
The meeting take place at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 28, at The Centre at Bluffton.
The Ohio High School Athletic Association’s annual referendum voting period is May 1-15.