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Trinity United Methodist Church, State Route 103, is holding its fifth annual winter coat drive. All new and gently used winter coats and apparel for all ages and genders are needed.

Collection boxes are at Community Market and The Sports Warehouse. For for information contact committee members are either 567-242-4700 or 419-722-6201.

The November menu is set for Bluffton High School.

Click for the High School menu.

First United Methodist Church will hold its election day lunch and dinner Tuesday, Nov. 5, at the church, 116 Church St.

Lunch serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. All items are priced individually. The menu includes homemade soups $2, sandwiches $2, salads $1, desserts $1.50 and beverages 50 cents.

Dinner serving is from 4:30 to 7 p.m. The cost is $7 for adults and $3.50 for youth 10 and under. The menu includes baked steak, mashed potatoes, vegetable, roll, dessert and beverage.

Carry out is available for both meals.

Amerigas Belles & Beaux League
Scores bowled on: Oct.20
Men’s High Game

John Dailey                                264
Rick Baker                                 241
Wayne Diamond                              234
Derek Dukes                                221

Women’s High Game
Heather May                                210
Beth Diamond                               203
June Orr                                   199
Gina Bloomfield                            193


The Bluffton Public Library Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 145 S. Main Street in Bluffton. The special meeting will immediately move into executive session to discuss hiring personnel and conclude following adjournment of executive session.

Ongoing debate in the divided Old German Baptist Brethren Church illustrates difficulties that the conservative Anabaptist group continues to face in its efforts to restrict Internet use, says a Bluffton University professor who has studied the church.

The Brethren ruled against use of the Internet at their 1996 Annual Meeting to maintain “separation from, and nonconformity to, the world,” according to meeting minutes cited by Dr. Gerald Mast, a professor of communication, at an Oct. 18 campus colloquium.
