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BVHS corporate PR & Marketing wins three national Telly Awards

Blanchard Valley Health System’s Corporate Public Relations & Marketing Department has been named the winner of three 2013 Telly Awards in the 34th Annual Telly Awards competition.

BVHS received two Bronze Telly Awards for television commercials featuring Birchaven Village and Blanchard Valley Hospital (BVH) orthopedic services, as well as a Bronze People’s Telly Award for the BVH orthopedic services television commercial.


25 pies part of Relay for Life auction Friday night

Trinity Lutheran Church, Jenera, will hold a homemade pie auction at Bluffton’s Relay for Life on Friday, June 21. 

The auction will begin at 7:45 p.m. under Salzman Stadium. Twenty-five homemade pies will be available to the highest bidders with all proceeds going to the American Cancer Society. 

A variety of kinds of pies will be available. If you purchase one that needs refrigeration while you take part in the other activities, members of the Trinity team will provide that until you are ready to leave the Relay. 


Trinity Lutheran offers Tuesday evening summer services

Beginning on Tuesday, June 18, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 301 North Main St., Jenera, will offer a week-night service at 7:30 p.m. for those not able to attend a Sunday morning service during the summer. 

Regular Sunday services will still be held at 8 and 10:30 a.m. with Sunday School and Bible Classes for all ages at 9:20 a.m. 

The Tuesday service will be a shortened version of the Sunday before. For more information, please visit



Pioneer Skills Day Camp at Allen County Farm Park

On Tuesday and Wednesday, June 25-26 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District will offer, Pioneer Skills Day Camp at the Allen County Farm Park.

Youth ages 10-14 will enjoy learning about life on the farm in the mid-1800s. Cook lunch on a coal burning cook stove, milk a goat, hitch up a team of horses to cultivate the vegetable garden, cut firewood with a bucksaw, and make homemade ice cream.

The Allen County Farm Park is located east of Lima in Bath Township, at the corner of State Route 81 (Ada Road) and Slabtown Road.


Hilty Home family picnic provides summer fun

On Friday, June 13, Hilty Home, Pandora, hosted its annual family picnic. The picnic was served in a large tent in front of Hilty Home’s main building. 

The meal was a combination of food provided by Hilty Home and resident family members in attendance. 

Following the meal, the evening was brought to a close with entertainment from the Al Best Band, a local favorite and frequent guest of the MHCO communities.


Steiner and Granger: Just How Risky Is Your Portfolio?

Steiner & Granger
Jason A. Granger
141 N. Main St
P.O. Box 28
Bluffton, OH 45817

[email protected]

If you're like most people, you probably evaluate your portfolio in terms of its return. However, return isn't the only factor you should consider; also important is the amount of risk you take in pursuing those returns.

