All Bluffton Icon News

PrimeTimers, who are persons 55 and older, will meet at noon, Tuesday, Aug. 6, at St. John Mennonite Church, 15988 Road 4, Pandora. 

Following the meal, Kevin and Debbie Mohr of Bluffton will provide a presentation on their missionary experience in Madagascar. 

A full meal will be provided including a chicken caesar salad, french bread, turkey club sandwich, fresh green beans and dutch apple pie.  

St. John's United Church of Christ will celebrate its 140th anniversary as a congregation on Sunday, Sept. 15, according to Rev. Carol Clements, pastor.

An anniversary service will take place at 10:30 a.m. and a catered mean will be served immediately following the service in Oppermann Hall.

More information on the observance will follow. The attachment below includes the August issue of the church newsletter.

Hannah Chappell-Dick, freshman,  and the Eastern Mennonite University women's track and field team picked up one final honor from the 2012-13 athletic year, as each was awarded for academic work by the U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA).


The Lady Royals were one of 148 institutions to earn an All-Academic Team recognition.  Eastern Mennonite had a team GPA of 3.10, just hitting the benchmark for team status.

Steven Strong is the newest addition to the Trinity Lutheran School faculty in Jenera.  He is currently serving as the seventh and eighth grade teacher and principal of the school. 

He graduated in May from Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn., with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and secondary chemistry. 

Strong grew up in Wisconsin and Minnesota, the latter where he spent most of his life.  He attended Salem Lutheran School in Greenfield, Minn., as well as West Lutheran High School in Plymouth, Minn. 

Bluffton Icon has renewed its membership in the Online News Association (ONA).

The Online News Association is composed largely of professional digital journalists. Founded in 1999, ONA now has more than 2,000 professional members whose principal livelihood involves gathering or producing news for digital presentation.

NPR broadcast a feature on Green House Homes on July 24. Willow Ridge, part of the Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio, has two Green House homes.

The NPR story was titled "More over nursing homes - there's something different."

For a link to the NPR story click here.
