BFR Sports and Fitness invites adults looking for a challenging workout to try Ultimate Fit.
The Ultimate Fit program includes eight workouts designed to push participants to a higher level of fitness. Ultimate Fit will meet on Tuesdays and Thursday nights from 6-7 p.m. during June, July and August.
On May 22 the Bluffton American Legion Post 382 placed American Flags on all veterans graves in the Bluffton community. Boy Scout Troop 256 helped the Legion members place flags on veterans graves at Maple Grove Cemetery in the evening. Kaden Reneker (rear) and Nate Staley (front), both Boy Scouts from Troop 256 who helped with the placing of the flags.(Denny Morrison photo)
The Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District will hold a public meeting to discuss plans and seek input on the Motter Metro Park, Bluffton.
The meeting is Tuesday, June 4, at 7 p.m. in the third floor of the Bluffton town hall.
Personnel will briefly cover the history of the Park District, acquisition details of the Motter Metro Park, and the basic plans for the park, followed by a public input segment.
Area middle school and high school athletes have a new option for refining sport skills and staying in condition over the summer.
BFR Sports and Fitness has changed the format of the Jumpstart program to include both physical conditioning and sport-related drills. Jumpstart is a good companion to “open gym” sessions provided by high schools since the Jumpstart program will be focused on conditioning and form.
A rose petal necklace is on exhibit in the Bluffton Public Library display case this month. The case exhibits various herbs and their uses, including jewelry.