Several utility projects are planned for 2013 in Bluffton. Dave Steiner, council member and member of the council utility committee, outlined the 2013 utility project proposal at the Feb. 11 council session.
• Kibler Street, waterline project, $14,000 estimate
• Garmatter Street, partial waterline project, $20,000 estimate
• Campus View waterline project, no estimate
• Eastland Drive, repair leak in waterline, no estimate
• Storm sewer work on Church Street, Jackson to Vine
Carol Groman receives ashes on her forehead in the sign of the cross during an Ash Wednesday service at St. John's United Church of Christ. Rev. Carole Clements of St. John's places the symbol of Lent, assisted by Rev. David Plant, Emmanuel United Church of Christ interim pastor, and Rev. Donald Rock.
The Bluffton Lions Club, for the first time ever, is offering two $500 scholarships to 2013 graduating seniors in area schools.
The scholarships will be paid directly to the school or college where the winning students will be enrolled.
Applications for these scholarships may be obtained through the guidance counselors either in Bluffton, Pandora-Gilboa or Cory-Rawson School Districts. Those completed applications received by April 16, 2013, will be considered.
Office of Advocacy Issues Report on the Small Business Economy
The economic environment is turning around for America’s small businesses despite some lingering challenges from the recession that hit the nation in 2008-2009, according to a new report released today by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Advocacy, an independent office that serves as the voice for small business within the federal government.