The Gardeners of the Bluffton/Pandora Area will host a public lecture on rain gardens from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, April 10, in the lower level meeting room of the Bluffton Public Library.
The first cone of the season is served. Phyllis Marchal of Bluffton Dari Freeze holds number one. Phyllis and Bill opened for the season today. Click for a short video.
Ohio Northern University student Calvin Ice, a fifth-year pharmacy major from Rawson, has been chosen as a recipient of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Student Leadership Award. Ice is one of 12 students in the nation to be selected for the award.
The Student Leadership Award is presented to four students in each class, for a total of 12 recipients across the nation. The award is given to someone who is interested in health-system pharmacy and has demonstrated leadership skills.
The third honor roll of the 2011-12 school year was recently released by the Bluffton Middle School. The honor roll follows:
Sixth Grade All A
Bassett, Madison
Bishop, Kassandra
Bricker, Dakota
Burkholder, Kaitlyn
Gillen, Sarah
Groman, Christian
Habegger, Garrett
Harnish, Christopher
Hoff, Sydney
Kindle, Kayla
Moser, Alexandra
Staley, Nate
Businger, Brayton
Prichard, Darby
Jolliff, Kalysta
Former Bluffton resident Mary Jane Snyder of Kingsburg, Calif., died at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital on Wednesday, March 28, 2012. She is survived by her husband, Glenn, an Adjunct Professor at Fresno Pacific University; a son, Gregg (Christine) of Springville, Calif.; a daughter, Jill Peterson (Paul) of Kingsburg, Calif.; six grandchildren, Coriann, Mady and Grant Snyder and Haley, Jace, and Cade Peterson; and a sister, Kathy (Lance) Cappello of Telford, Pa.
She was born in Lansdale, Pa. Her parents were Naomi and Woodrow Rittenhouse of Souderton, Pa.