The February board meeting of the Apollo Career Center school board is at 7 p.m., Feb. 27. The board agenda is avialable in the attachment at the bottom of this story.
Rev. Carol Clements, pastor of St. John's United Church of Christ, using ashes, places the sign of the cross on the hands of a member of the congregation. St. John's and many other churches in Bluffton held an evening Ash Wednesday service to mark the beginning of Lent. For another photo, click here.
Thanks for checking out my column. My name is Evan Skilliter and I'm a sophomore at Bluffton University where I double major in Sports Management with a focus in Communication and Recreation Management. I am a lifelong Bluffton resident and a graduate of Bluffton High School. As an avid sports fan and aspiring sports journalist, I greatly appreciate the opportunity to bring my insight to the Icon.
It has been said that going to church is good for the soul. In his new book, Dr. Gerald Mast asserts that the benefits extend much further.
"The church should not be taken for granted ... just reading the Bible, baptizing and singing together help prepare us for life in the world," said the Bluffton University communication professor and author of "Go to Church, Change the World: Christian Community as Calling."
What year did you graduate from Bluffton High School?
Where did you go to college and what was your major?
I spent four great years at Duke University, majoring in Philosophy and Political Science...and playing my clarinet in the pep band at basketball games.