Basinger Plumbing and Heating, 3090 Road R, Pandora, offers Byrant hybrid heat systems. According to Jim Basinger, of Basinger Plumbing and Heating, the systems combat unpredictable fuel costs.
Bluffton police as first responders, Bluffton EMS and Bluffton Fire personnel responded to an accident that occurred shortly after 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 14 on Columbus Grove Road. A vehicle, apparently west bound veered off the north side of the road and flipped into the ditch.
Allen County Sheriff deputies were also called to the scene. No other details are available.
Modeling clothing from their native Ethiopia were senior Meron Dibia (foreground) and junior Maryam Telahun (in red), along with Lauren Canaday (back left), a junior from Northwood, Ohio. The show was part of Bluffton's International weekend. Click for details.