Emergency Council meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Mon., Nov. 18 for consideration of a contract award for critical public water infrastructure repair.
Jerry Burkholder drills in a screw on the "Merry Christmas in many languages," cutout as Bluffton prepares for Christmas. The Ream display was set up today on the Presbyterian lawn. The prepares took place on Nov. 13 when the CNB clock registered 75 degrees downtown.
The now famous "deer walks into a bar" story with a Bluffton, Ohio, date line - yes, you saw it first on The Bluffton Icon - has captured worldwide fame.
Steve Harnish provided The Icon with the following links. This demonstrates how quickly a local story travels in the digital era. It all started on The Icon on Friday, Nov. 5, at 3:30 p.m. Here's how the story traveled in seven days.
The Friends of the Bluffton Public Library will hold their next regular meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 30. The meeting will take place in the Richland Room, which is on the library's lower level. The Friends will not meet on the fourth Tuesday of November, which is an exception the group's usual schedule.
The Friends of the Bluffton Public Library encourage everyone who uses the library to make a donation and to share their time, energy, and ideas. You can join the Friends by making an annual donation of $5 or more.