BHS junior class post prom committee has Blaze booth

Parents of the Bluffton High School junior class (class of 2013) will have a booth in front of the Bluffton News at the Bluffton Blaze of Lights from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 26.

Proceeds will go towards the 2012 BHS post prom event. "Without the generous donations from the local community a fun and safe evening after the prom would not be possible," according to committee members.

The post prom committee will sell nachos with cheese or with cheese and meat, hot chocolate, bottled water and individual servings of cookies and brownies.

Cash raffle tickets will also be sold at the Blaze of Lights booth. Tickets are $10 each and only 300 tickets will be sold. Three cash prizes, $500, $300, and $200, will be raffled the evening of the final BHS boys' home basketball game on Friday, Feb. 24 versus Lima Central Catholic.

Watch for other upcoming fund raising events for the BHS Post Prom.

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