2012 village appropriations approximately $6.2 million

Bluffton council okayed 2012 appropriations on Monday, which total approximately $6.2 million. The largest expense is a projected $1.4 million water improvement project that will take place only if village voters approve a one-quarter percent income tax on the spring primary.

If voters say "yes" then the village will proceed with the replacement of water lines on the South Lawn-Grove Street area, Sunset Drive and Geiger Street. The one-quarter income tax would be taken off once the project is paid for.

The 2012 appropriations summary may be viewed as an attachment to this story.

The final council meeting of 2011 is at 8 p.m., Monday, Dec. 19. That meeting was originally scheduled for Dec. 26, but was moved up one week. It will be the final complete meeting conducted with Fred Rodabaugh as mayor. His term ends at the end of the year. Eric Fulcomer will become mayor in 2012

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