The Curling Iron accepting donations for the Sleeping Bag Project

Carolyn Scott of Pandora recognized a need and she acted. Now, thanks to her efforts the Pandora United Methodist Church developed the "Sleeping Bag Project."

The project is a local response to the growing problem of homelessness close to home and across the United States.

In brief, the project provides sleeping bags to local agencies that house homeless persons thanks for donations from area residents, organizations and businesses. One Bluffton business, The Curling Iron, N. Main St., is accepting donations as it participates in the project.

Scott recognized the homeless problem as a national one, but in talking with a deputy sheriff in Hancock County she learned that there are an estimated 50 to 60 homeless persons in Findlay.

One example of an agency that could use extra sleeping bags is The City Mission in Findlay. It takes in homeless persons over night, but is short of beds. The Mission tried to add to their beds by placing mats on the floor and could use sleeping bags to go with the mats.

The Sleeping Bag Project purchases sleeping bags that range in price from $20 to $35. The higher-priced bags provide comfort down to zero degrees.

Icon viewers interested in contributing to the project may contact The Curling Iron staff.

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