Community meals continue twice monthly in 2012

Twice-monthly community meals continue in 2012, sponsored by the Bluffton Inter Church Board.

The meals are at 6 p.m. each first and third Thursday of the month at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center. The meals are free and open to the public. Persons interested in making a donation may bring non-perishable food items. All donations go to the Bluffton Community Assistance Program's food pantry.

For questions, call St. John's United Church of Christ, 419-358-5641, which also houses the food pantry. Community meals are organized by the Inter Church Board and supported by other local organizations.

Here's the 2012 schedule and the congregation or organization preparing the dinner:
January 5 - St. Mary's Catholic
January 19 - Trinity Methodist (Jenera)

February 2 - SHANNON Club
February 16 - Emmanuel UCC

March 1 - Ebenezer Mennonite
March 15 - Mennonite Home Communities

April 5 - St. John's UCC
April 19 - First United Methodist

May 3 - English Lutheran
May 17 - First Mennonite

June 7 - Bluffton Presbyterian
June 21 - St. Mary's Catholic

July 5 - Trinity Methoidst (Jenera)
July 19 - SHANNON Club