PTO bakery Bingo 6-8 p.m.

The Bluffton Elemenary P.T.O. will host its annual Bakery Bingo event on Saturday, Jan. 28, 6 to 8 p.m. in the Bluffton Middle School Cafetorium, according to Amy Mikesell, P.T.O. event coordinator.
Participants in the annual fundraiser can purchase a pack of 12 bingo cards for $1. Winners will take home donated bakery items. The P.T.O. raises additional funds at the event by selling concessions and 50/50 tickets for gift baskets, which have also been donated by local businesses and community members.
"Bakery Bingo costs less than a family night at Chucky Cheese, and the money goes to a much better cause," said Mikesell.
The P.T.O. uses its funds to purchase items that will "enhance our children's educational environment," according to their purpose statement. This year the group purchased Mobile Interactive Whiteboards for the first grade classrooms and allotted funds for the school's "Artbeat" program, which features the work of a different artist each month in the third, fourth, and fifth grade classrooms.
P.T.O. meets the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Bluffton Elementary School library. Parents who would like to become involved are welcome to visit a meeting or contact the group's president, Allison Mittendorf. Parents are also encouraged to stay informed by liking the P.T.O.'s facebook page:

Saturday, January 28, 2012