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15 minutes with Becky Reineke Boblitt

Becky Boblitt

When did you graduate from BHS?


Can you share any stories about growing up? Favorite teachers, coaches? Any high school shenanigans you want to own up to?

I had a great childhood. Most of my memories are of playing outside in our back yard, playing kick the can, football, playing in our tree house and shooting hoops with neighbors. I remember being called home by either a gym whistle (my mom) or my dad's authentic whistle which I could hear from a block away. Of course, in the summer, I was a pool rat and rode my bike to the pool from 1-5, rode home for supper break, then went back until closing time most days.
As a teacher myself now and past coach, I have grown to really appreciate what teachers and coaches do with the youth on a daily basis. There's a lot of time and stress put in, and every day is a challenge, but also rewarding in many ways.
I had a great life at Bluffton schools in academics and in sports and so many people had a hand in that, so I can't name just one! I remember in high school being the "office helper" and roaming the hallways a lot and then taking advantage of Doc Brown and taking a double lunch with various friends while I was supposed to be his class helper. I also remember getting busted literally throwing a note back and forth across the room in Latin with Mrs. Weaver once...I know now as a teacher how obvious those things are, when at the time I thought I was really sneaky!

What car did you take your driver's test in? Who took you -- mom or dad?

I drove my grandma's four door...not sure of the make or model because I have no interest in that kind of stuff, but I know it was a maroon color! My dad took me (he takes a lot of pride in being a professional driver as a UPS man and had LOTS of advice during my early driving days.) I failed the first time because my instructor took off several points for not following her exact instructions-I was supposed to take a SHARP left onto a side street and I took a normal left onto a main road...she was not happy. The second time I had a much more patient instructor and passed with flying colors.

Did you have your mom as an art teacher in school? If so, how was that? When you were growing up, did you think you'd end up teaching art? Isn't one of your aunts an art teacher, too? And your Aunt Bev is also an artist. Wow! What is your favorite medium?

My mom, Aunt Patty, Aunt Beverly and my cousin Holly (Patty's daughter) are all art teachers. Mom especially has been very influential in my path as an art teacher. She always makes you feel good about what you do and makes each person feel that their art is important. It's been neat seeing all my relatives' talents and sharing stories with each other. Holly and I share ideas a lot and it's been fun keeping that connection with her, even though she's in Texas. I had my mom in fifth and sixth grade art and we were shoved into a tiny office area in the elementary. I was always embarrassed if she disciplined my friends and I got teased at times that I only got good grades in art because of my mom being the teacher. My favorite medium is probably clay...I love creating things that are functional can always use another coin dish right!?

How long have you taught at McComb? What grades does your job include? How has art in the schools changed in the last 10 years?

This is my fourteenth year already. I've taught everything from pre-school to eighth grade and am now part time, which has been a huge blessing for our family. Art has always been important in my school district, thankfully, but with cut backs there isn't art offered to every single grade anymore. We have two art teachers in our district and a very good arts boosters program that helps us out a lot with special projects or funds. I am hopeful parents and students continue to show their support of the arts and push to have those opportunities in our schools.

You played basketball all through high school and college, right? Any other sports? Did you meet Todd on the basketball court in Founders? Do the two of you ever play one on one these days?

Yes, I played basketball all throughout college and also soccer for three years at Bluffton College. I met Todd through an art classmate who was roommates with Todd and he thought we'd hit it off. He told me Todd was the funniest person he'd ever met so that got my interest since I'm always up for a good laugh! We used to do shooting workouts and run together in college quite a bit, but these days we usually just play a good competitive game of PIG or Around the World.

Have you coached any sports? Do you plan to coach your kids in BFR sports? What do they play?

I coached a year of junior high basketball at McComb, then went on to being the varsity basketball coach in 1999-2004. I had some very good teams and girls who worked very hard and were very competitive. I have very great memories from those times and still keep in touch with many of the players and parents.

My oldest son,Trey, plays basketball, baseball and soccer and I've only coached U-6 soccer so far but hope to coach Trey in Todd's NW Ohio league which starts in 3rd grade. Terron plays soccer and T-ball so far.

So...what's it like being married to the BHS boys' basketball coach? Does he discuss plays with you? Seek any advice from you?

To be honest it's a rollercoaster ride with many highs and lows. It's the greatest feeling to win, and a horrible feeling losing, which comes with the territory. Coaching is also about teaching the game and striving to get better, and being a mentor to the youth you're involved with. It's hard not to get caught up in the wins and losses but he is also trying to build a competitive basketball program, which takes longer than most would think. We both have basketball as a passion and love teaching the game and seeing kids improve and work hard at it. We get so much joy out of watching kids develop and succeed, or just improve from year to year. Todd puts everything into what he does whether it's coaching, being a math teacher or being a dad, so it's nice to see when his hard work pays off. We talk about basketball quite a bit, and I try to listen and be a sounding board, but it's hard for me not to give my input at times, even though my advice isn't always taken or appreciated!

Tell me about your kids -- their names, ages, personalities, interests. How do the boys feel about their little sister by now? Are they teaching her all sorts of things? Big brothers are good at protecting their little sisters -- at just about any age.

Trey is seven, almost eight. He's our most sensitive kid but also the most stubborn. He loves competition or just playing around the house with his siblings. He is a great big brother and is very protective of her.
Terron is pretty care free and so much fun to be around. He loves anything with technology, music, puzzles and kids games like tag, hide and seek or board games. He is a good big brother too but doesn't have the patience with his sister as much as Trey.
Charlie is two and is in the process of getting potty trained...a big deal at our house right now. She is very cuddly and is also very determined and stubborn. She's been my first child to care about what she wears, likes to dress herself and climbs things constantly. She loves her brothers, her pets (a dog and two cats) and coloring or playing with baby dolls.

You live in the same small town you grew up in, still surrounded by a large, extended family, and some of your close high school friends. What's that like? Is it fun watching your kids and theirs growing up together?

Most of the time I love being in a small town and I have always appreciated having family around to celebrate holidays, birthdays, etc., and have them so involved in our lives. Many of my close high school friends have moved away but I still am close friends with many and have met new people too who have become our close friends. Our friends are a big part of our support group in many ways. I am pretty good about staying in touch with old friends too, thanks to cell phones and Facebook! The kids always look forward to social gatherings with friends. It's neat to see kids interact and start forming their own bonds and friendships.

I understand that you like to read. What is your favorite book? What is the last book you read?

I am a big fan of Eat, Pray Love, the Hunger Games and Twilight. I'm currently reading the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

What was the last movie you saw? Worst movie? Best?

Last movie seen was We Bought A Zoo. I loved it because I can relate to people loving animals and caring for them. The worst movie was probably Zookeeper because the acting was horrible, including the strange voices of the talking animals. My favorite movie of all time is Top Gun. I just saw the last hour of it today on TV in fact! I used to have almost every line memorized when I was a kid. Pathetic.

What kind of music do you prefer? Favorite performer?

I like music that is upbeat and usually just listen to the radio to and from work. My favorite performer was Michael Jackson. I used to have his white glove...again, pathetic I know!

When you and Todd get a night out without the kids, what do you do? Dinner? Movies?

Last time we had a date night we went shopping in Findlay to exchange some things and went out to eat, then rented a movie and came home. Exciting stuff! It's nice once in a while to have that one on one time to actually talk without distractions.

Where is your favorite place to vacation? Planning any in the near future?

I love the beach...we went a couple years ago and had such a great time with the boys. We are hoping to go back soon so Charlie can see the ocean too and all their ages would be a lot of fun.

Where do you think you'll be in 10 years? Goals?

I hope we're still in Bluffton, enjoying our kids and their activities. I hope our house is one of the hang outs so I know what my kids and their friends are up to. I think by then I'll be full time again and on my way to retirement! I don't see us moving out of our house until the kids are all grown but you never know!


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