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Two Bluffton artists have works qualify for Governor's Show in Columbus

Kyla Dawson and Carissa Luginbill with their art

After the first round judging for the Ohio Governor's High School Art Show Bluffton High School had seven pieces selected to go down to Columbus for state judging according to Vicki Garmon, BHS art teacher.

The state judging was this last weekend and there was approximately 3,000 pieces of art that were selected at an earlier judging to be there, but only 300 pieces were selected to get in the Govenor's show, Garmon told The Icon.

Garmon added: "This a very competitive competition because we are competing against all of the high schools in Ohio. It is very hard to get selected to be in the show."

After state judging this weekend two of Bluffton's pieces were selected. The students who had works selected were Kyla Dawson and Carissa Luginbill.

Students who had pieces make it through the first round judging were Brooke Heinze, Celeste Stauber, Kyla Dawson (two pieces), Carissa Luginbill, Brittany Brown and Megan Dulle.

The show will run in the Rhodes Office Building April 14 to May 17.


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