Krysti's Music Studio students offer piano duets and trios April 1 and 7

Krysti's Music Studio duet recitals are this weekend and next weekend, according to Krysti Schey, studio owner.

The recitals are Sunday, April 1, and Saturday, April 7. Both recitals are at 2:30 p.m. at Rockport United Methodist Church in Rockport. The church is located at 5505 Rockport Road. In addition to duets, there will be several trios performing.

A sample video is at the bottom of this story.

April 1 performers
Olivia Amstutz, Courtney Barnett, Josh Bracy, Landon Cluts, Allison Diller, Xavier Diller, Amanda Dunn, Lucie Fett, Maggie Fett, Stephen Hayes, Julianna Hotmire, Brianna Keeler, Kenzington Kottenbrock, Drew Lovett, Kenny Lovett, Jack Marcum, Sophie Marcum, Evan Mayden, Grace Myers, Jocelyn Ochoa, Marissa Schutz, Sarah Schutz, Duncan Scott, Katie Scott, Erica Sheehan, Elita Smith, Emily Sycks, Jane Sycks, Megan Sycks, Lindsay Theis and Elizabeth Turnwald.
April 7 performers
Libby McVetta, Morgan McVetta, Paige McVetta, Madison Newcomer, Danielle Novak, Landon Novak, Cyrus Schafer, Lewis Schafer, Celia Smith, Maria Spallinger, Olivia Spallinger, Kate Strickler, Lindsay Strickler, Ryan Strickler, Annie Talbot, Dylan Whitlow and Jasmine Whitlow.

The recitals are open to the public with no admission charge. The video accompanying this story is of Maggie and Lucie Fett performing Coconut Shuffle.

Maggie & Lucie Fett, 3 28 12