Ready, set, go...Easter egg hunting season officially underway
The sign read: Easter egg hunt, promptly at 10 a.m.
If that didn't get your attention, forget it. At 10:05 a.m. the eggs were snatched. All of them.
The event was the Mennonite Memorial Home/McDonald's egg hunt on March 31. Watch the video.
Ethan Roby, 10 month-old son of Nick and Amy Roby celebrated his first-ever Easter egg hunt by obtaining two eggs. Ethan and a host of other egg seekers picked up several hundred eggs in a matter of minutes - make that seconds
Another Easter egg hunter, Klaira Hohenbrink, participated in her first-ever hunt. Klaira, who will be 2 soon, is the daughter of Katie and Keith Hohenbrink. She seems a bit on the reserve side of things, although she did show her basket to The Icon.
We've tossed into the mix random photos of other Easter egg gatherers, in the 4 and under egg area.