Pandora's Hilty Home dedicates "Transition To Home" Wing to Marvin and Lucy Diller

Bob Wood, Lucy Diller, Marvin Diller, Joy Reichenbach

Hilty Memorial Home, Pandora, recognized two of its long-time supporters, Marvin and Lucy Diller, by dedicating a wing of the retirement center in their honor.

On March 31 the "Transition To Home" Wing was dedicated in honor of Marvin and Lucy Diller, according to Joy Reichenbach, administrator.

A dedication service took place with the couple present. At the dedication, Reichenbach said, "We are here to recognized the service Marvin and Lucy have done over the past 35 years. Marvin began his service on what was called The Board of Nursing Homes Reference Committee before Hilty Memorial Home even began building in 1977."

She continued: 'The Ohio Missionary Home was the nursing home of the East Central District Missionary Church in New Carlisle, now known as DayView Care Center and Marvin started serving on that board."

Reichenbach explained that Marvin and Lucy were friends of Margaret Hilty, whose farm was bequeathed to the Missionary Church in order for a nursing home to be built in Pandora.

Marvin's involvement with the Hilty Home continued as the groundbreaking ceremony, where he was involved. He was also on a committee that worked with the Village of Pandora when Hilty Drive became a village street. He chaired the Long Range Planning Committee in 1983.

He has worked with at least six Missionary Church District Superintendents and with five administrators in the past 33 years.

In 1984 he became vice chair of the Nursing Home Boards and in 1987 become the chair of the board. Under his leadership Hilty Home built its Child Care Center, Special Needs Unit for dementia care, an Assisted Living and also with three other building projects. The most recent project was the Transition to Home Wing.

Reichenbach said that Hilty Home and Child Care Center would not be what it is today without the support and faithful service of Marvin and Lucy Diller.

The dedication service included comments from several friends of the Dillers. Dale Leinbach, District Superintendent, provide the message, and Bob Wood, chair of the Hilty Home board also participated.