Several outstanding prizes offered in Relay raffle

Tickets are available from several Bluffton businesses and members of a Bluffton Relay for Life team for a Bluffton's Relay for Life raffle.

Prizes include:
o Create your own weekend getaway, a $500 value, provided by Bluffton Travel Agency and Great Connections Logistics, Inc.
o Six months of tanning or skin rejuvenation, a $350 value, provided by Polished Nail and Body Salon.
oFlower arrangement of the month club, a $420 value, provided by Panache Floral and Interiors.

Tickets are $5 each or three for $10.

Tickets are available from the following persons: JoAnne Heaster, Robin Heaster, Jill Rumer, Jill Burkholder, Joan Frederick, Nicole LoBanico, Renee Smith, Karen Lewis, Betsi Werling, Judy Augsburger or Shelby Bacon.

Tickets are also on sale at Polished, Panache and Village Cut 'n' Curl. The raffle drawing takes place Friday, April 13.