Five youth confirmed at Trinity Lutheran on May 6

Five youth will be confirmed in the Christian faith during the 10:30 a.m. Sunday, May 6, service at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jenera.

The confirmands are Emily Rose Heldman, Hannah Grace Lussier, Justine Marie Mitchell, Jonathon Lloyd Schmehl and Wyatt Allen Stahl.

The class hymn, "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need" will be sung by the class during the service. The class motto is Matthew 28:20 "Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Class colors are teal and silver and the class flower is the lisianthus.

A regular service will be held at 8 a.m. Beginning at 9:20 p.m., the Confirmands will give a review of Bible teachings in a question and answer format.

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