Still time to join Bluffton Senior Citizens trip to Hawaii

The Bluffton Senior Center is traveling to the Hawaiian Islands from Sept. 1 to 12 and you are invited.

The group will be travel with Country Travels Discoveries who will take the group to the big sites in Hawaii as well as several farms.

Three islands will be visited, Oahu, the Big Island and Maui. Volcanoes National Park, the USS Arizona Memorial and the Pacific Hilo Tsunami Museum and some of the sites that will be visited. There will also be plenty of time to relax on the beach.

The tour includes transportation from Bluffton to Hawaii, all tipping and 12 meals. Time is running out for signing up to travel to Hawaii with the Bluffton Senior Center as deadlines are approaching for the airline tickets. For more information or a copy of the brochure call the Bluffton Senior Center at 419-358-8971.

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