An Icon cell phone/e-mail directory now in the works
Here's an idea The Icon is pursuing and it's time is now.
In the past month three persons, separately from each other, approached The Icon with a very interesting idea.
It is: Could The Icon create an online listing (e.i. phone book) for persons who have cell phones? We've actually played around with this idea for the past year. The recent inquiries cause us to give this more serious consideration.
We think the idea is fantastic, and we're looking at some formats. Let's take it one step further. We'd also like to provide e-mail addresses.
The most important thing to get this off the ground is to have persons give us permission to post their cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses on The Icon.
For starters, if you are interested in listing either your cell phone or e-mail address in an Icon directory, we suggest you send us this information. (We open this option to any Icon viewer, where ever you live on the web of the wide world.)
Make it simple, like this:
Icon: I give you permission to use the following information in a Bluffton Icon cell phone and e-mail directory.
Signed (your name).
Then provide your own information in this format:
Steiner, Fred
[email protected]
The beauty of this is that we can update this information whenever you notify The Icon. We can also zip your information, if you change your mind and wish to remain "unlisted."
Or, you could simply provide your name and e-mail address, or your name and your cell phone number.
We welcome your suggestions and information. Our collection of data is officially underway. Watch for the unveiling soon.
Send your information to:
[email protected]
In the subject line list: Cell phone/e-mail directory