Three trips on Senior Citizens horizon

Reservations are being accepted for three bus trips on the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center schedule in 2012 and 2013.
For a list of all events planned at the Center in September, open the attachment at the bottom of this story.
A Nov. 9 trip "Showtime at Plain City," has an Oct. 15 reservation deadline.
A Nov. 27-Dec. 1 trip "Christmas at Virginia Beach," plus a guided tour of colonial Williamsburg, has a Sept. 20 reservation deadline.
A May 13-17, 2013, trip "Smokey Mountain Entertainer Tour," is also on the calendar.
Details on each of these trips is available at the Center.
Here are some of the September events planned at the Center, 132, N. Main St.
o Sept. 6 - Community meal, 6 p.m.
o Sept. 10 - monthly dinner meeting, catered by Schnipke Inn, 6 p.m.
o Sept. 11 - Ask the experts, 10:30 a.m.
o Sept. 20 - Community meal, 6 p.m.
o Sept. 24 - Western square dancing, 6:30 p.m.
o Sept. 29 - Bluffton fall festival, lunch available at Senior Center

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