Look at all these BFR Sports and Fitness winter opportunities

Registrations are underway for several BFR winter events.

Holiday Indoor Soccer Tournament
There are divisions for U8 players all the way through adults. Cost for this tournament is $50. The tournament will be held the weekend of Dec. 14-16. The deadline for registration is Dec. 5. Visit www.bfronline.com or cal 419-358-4150 for more information on this event all all registrations in the story.

Indoor Soccer
Session 2 indoor soccer league registration is underway. This session begins the week of Jan. 6 and runs for five weeks. There are divisions for U8 players all the way through adults. Cost for this league is $375 per team. Deadline for registration is Dec. 21. Division may fill early.

Youth Basketball
boys and girls youth basketball league registrations is underway. There are 4, 5, 6th grade divisions for both boys and girls.This league will begin Jan. 12 for girls and Jan. 13 for boys. Team fee is $200 and deadline for this league is Dec. 10 or as divisions fill. 

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