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15 minutes with Josh Unterbrink - one of the original BHS Superfans

What year did you graduate BHS?  What's a favorite memory of your BHS days?

I graduated in 1997.  If I had to pick just one memory, I'd have to pick two: First off, making the football playoffs and winning a share of the Northwest Conference my senior year was really great. It was a special group of guys on the team. As well as the first time since 1991 that Bluffton won the NWC in football. Losing to Versailles probably knocks that memory to #2 from my BHS days.  

Being one of the founders of the Pirate Superfans was pretty amazing too. Starting with the game at Pandora, a small band of fans (some even graduated in 1996) stood tall, cheered loud, cheered cleverly and with passion created what is still the Superfans. Shirts were purchased in the next week and the rest is history.

I along with Jeff Powell (BHS '97), Brandon Best (BHS '97), Gavin Leonard (BHS '98), Brian Morrison (BHS '98), Seth Weisenbarger (BHS '98), Joel Steiner (BHS '98) founded the Pirate Superfans. They were there from day one. Brandon was the inspiration for the first Superfan cheer and if he had not quit at halftime of the BHS v Pandora game there would be no Pirate Superfans today.

At that time, a small group of us that had to meet with Principle Steve Castle about the behavior of the Superfans once a week during the 96-97 Basketball season. There is even a Pirate Superfan Constitution that we wrote and that Mr Castle actually considered adapting in early 1997. For about 4 games we didn't even have a police officer to chaperon the student section. I hope that there will always be BHS students that are passionate and rabid superfans who keep the spirit and tradition going. Being a Pirate Superfan was the most fun that I had at any BHS event.

Where did you go to college and what was your major?
I graduated from Ohio University in Athens with a BS in Sports Sciences.

Where are you living now?
I own a home near Faurot Park in Lima.

Tell us about your job. I understand the grant you are working under is the only one awarded in the state of Ohio. What does that mean for you?  

My new position is Active Living Team Leader for the Transforming Communities Grant.
The $1.2 Million grant was awarded to improve health and wellness in Lima and Allen
County. I am part of a team of four full-time staff.

We will be working with (and building) a larger team in the coming months which will include consultants of varying expertise. We are also working closely with the Activate Allen County Leadership Team, the Lima/Allen County Bike and Pedestrian Task Force (which I am the chair of) and the Allen County Health Department.

I have been in this position since October 15, 2012. For the prior 6 years and 10 months I had been serving as the Health & Wellness Director of the Lima Family YMCA.

What does your day look like?  

It depends on the day, but mostly I get to the office between 7:30 and 8:00 in the morning, check messages, review my daily schedule, discuss tasks and objectives with my boss and then get started.

When I am not in a meeting, I’ve been spending a good amount of my time researching interventions, CDC approved programs and evidence based research that can be implemented here in Allen County.  

The first month was similar to working at a research position, lots of reading. I’ve been in talks with local school districts, Head Start about improving wellness policy and physical education.

We are also working on an Active Transportation Plan for Allen County. We are working on a number of groups on exciting interventions and every day is a little different.

How do YOU stay active?

During the winter I play indoor soccer at Apex, ride a stationary bike and try to walk our dogs as much as possible. When the days are warmer I am outside playing disc golf, riding my bike, playing both organized and non-structured sports, going to concerts and staying on the move.

What do you like to do in your non-work life? You used to play tenor saxophone. Do you still play music?

I don’t play it too often anymore; however music is a passion of mine. I do own a number of guitars, a banjo, keyboards, drums and percussion instruments of all types, harmonicas, a leer, 2 trumpets, a clarinet, and more. However, I am not a gifted musician in any regard.

I spend the majority of my free time collecting LPs. I own over 6,000 12-inch vinyl records.  I love listening to music. A close second is to spend time visiting record stores, flea markets and thrift stores for vinyl. My girlfriend and I spend a lot of time experiencing live music as well.

Athletics is another passion of mine which occupies some of my time.

In the rest of my free hours, I spend as much time as I can being a volunteer. One of my favorite volunteer activities is being a Big Brother in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program here in Lima. I am also a board member for the Lima Noon Optimist Club that is rewarding. I just finished up my year term as the Lima Young Professionals Social Development Chair Person as well.

I try to read as much as I can too. My most recent read was actually a reread and a comic. I just read The Hobbit last Wednesday before seeing the film at the midnight release and finished up the second compendium of the Walking Dead.

What makes you happy or excited these days?

I get pretty fired up about politics. It doesn't take much for me to get excited about a hot-button issue. However, with my new position I am forced to take a neutral position in that regard.

I get excited about my family. Being an uncle to an amazing nephew and niece has been beyond rewarding. Traveling never gets old for me. I only have 7 more states to hit and a life-goal of mine is to visit every continent. 


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