Letter: Staggering stats about human sex trafficking during Super Bowl

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In this article by Huffington Post blogger Eleanor Goldberg, she gives some staggering statistics about human sex trafficking during the Super Bowl.

My question is this: Who are the men who are doing the raping? If there were 10,000 women hired to be raped in 2010 and one 12 year old was forced to be raped 20-50 times in one night, that's a lot of men paying (or not) to commit rape.

These are brothers, fathers, husbands, uncles, teachers, corporate bosses, football fans. Unfortunately, women’s efforts to stop rape are not enough. This has got to be a man-on-man fight. Fathers tell your sons, roommates, tell your friends. It is NOT OK to rape a woman, even if you pay to do it.


Wendy Chappell-Dick
