Diana Hilty Marshall, retired nurse-attorney, now a home hospice RN
15 minutes with Diana Hilty Marshall
What year did you graduate from Bluffton High School and where did you live in Bluffton?
I'm a member of the BHS class of 1963 and I grew up at 113 E. Elm St.
You must have attended elementary in the old grade school building. What do you remember from that building?
The old building had a bell tower and I remember the wooden floors and coat closets. We also had the old style bolted-to-the-floor wooden desks with ink wells. One day my pigtails were dipped in the ink well in the desk behind. The culprit will not be named here but he may remember the event.
What is your profession and where have you lived?
I am a retired nurse-attorney, currently working as a home hospice RN two days per week for Heartland Hospice in Allentown, Pa. I have worked as a nurse in Indiana, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York and Pennsylvania and as an attorney in New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. I especially enjoyed living in Minneapolis, New York City, New Haven, Conn., and Bethlehem, Pa.
Tell us about your family.
I met my husband, Paul, while working at Lutheran Hospital in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and we have been married since 1969. We have a son, Nicholas, a daughter, Hilary, and a son-in law, Brian, who are the parents of our granddaughter, Madeleine, born in May of 2013.
When was the last time you were in Bluffton?
I visited my beloved Aunt Marj on Feb. 4 and 5, 2013. I visit at least once a year for our family reunion.
When people ask where you grew up, how do you describe Bluffton?
I don't think I've ever been asked to describe Bluffton. I'm not sure I could adequately describe it to someone who has not experienced small town living in the midwest. I must add that my husband (who is a city boy) thinks Bluffton would be a great place to retire.
Where have you traveled and was it for vacation or for your profession?
My husband and I had the opportunity to do a vacation bus tour of western Europe (If this is Tuesday, it must be Belgium - bags outside the door at 5 a.m., etc.) - We started in England with time in France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy, Holland, and Belgium - great fun!
We also enjoyed a train trip across Canada and traveling from California to New York through the Panama Canal on the last trip of the QE II. Because of my husband's profession, I was privileged to accompany him to our partner diocese of Kajo-Keji in Southern Sudan in 2005. As it happened we were there the weekend of the signing of the peace agreement between Northern and Southern Sudan.
What kind of things did growing up in Bluffton and attending school here teach you or prepare for for life? I have always supported public education - perhaps because that was my only experience. We had the good fortune to be in small classes with teachers who knew every student. I'm not sure of the value of learning all the WW II songs in Mr. Osborne's class, but I can still sing them.
Care to name any teachers or community mentors who helped you?
I will always remember Wilford Geiger as a supportive, affirming teacher who helped me believe I was capable of success.
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