Bluffton Boy Scouts celebrate cenetennial, hold Court of Honor
By Dr. Darrell Groman
After two snow storm - related postponements, Bluffton Boy Scout Troop #256 held their Court of Honor on Tuesday, February 23rd at 8:00 P.M. The troop, family and friends packed the third floor council chambers at the Town Hall for the 8 o'clock ceremony.
The troop advanced the colors. Senior Patrol Leader led all in the Pledge of Allegiance and the troop in the Scout Oath and the Scout Laws. Scoutmaster Groman welcomed the families and friends who were present for the first Court of Honor for fourteen new Scouts who have joined the troop since May 2009.
Eleven had crossed over into the troop from Bluffton Cub Pack and one from the Elida Cub Pack as Webelos II Scouts. At present, there are twenty Scouts and ten adult leaders registered in the troop, numbers unseen in the troop for several years. The ceremony, conducted by Scoutmaster Dan Groman, presented twenty three rank advancements to eighteen Scouts and fifty nine merit badges to thirteen scouts.
Receiving the Boy Scout rank were:
Jacob Barnett
Clay Burkholder
Jack Burrell
Jeremiah Garmatter
Misha Groman
Austen Herron
Tecumseh Kibele
Tyler King
Carrick Lancaster
Nick Luke
Jared Metzger
Skyler Park (in absentia)
Roger Zeits.
Receiving the Tenderfoot rank were:
Tyler King
Carrick Lancaster
Nick Luke
Jared Metzger
Roger Zeits
Receiving the Life Scout rank were:
Jonatan Moser
Justin Paul
Taylor Steele
Justin Weaver (in absentia)
Eagle Palms
Eagle Scout Joel Groman was presented three Eagle Palms: Bronze, Silver and Gold Palms. Each Eagle Palm recognizes increments of completing five merit badges beyond the twenty one required as an Eagle Scout.
Other scouts who are registered in the troop are:
Scout Kristopher Mullins
Life Scout David Moser
Life Scout Luke Oxender
Fifty nine merit badges were presented to thirteen Scouts.
Joel Groman
Public Health
Mammal Study
Tyler King
Personal Fitness
Carrick Lancaster
Personal Fitness
Nick Luke
Personal Fitness
Jared Metzger
Personal Fitness
David Moser (in absentia)
Citizenship in the Nation
Emergency Preparedness
Family Life
Indian Lore
Personal Management
Jonatan Moser
Emergency Preparedness
Environmental Science
First Aid
Indian Lore
Rifle Shooting
Luke Oxender (in absentia)
Fish & Wildlife Management
Public Speaking
Wilderness Survival
Skyler Park (in absentia)
Personal Fitness
Justin Paul
Citizenship in the Nation
Environmental Science
Indian Lore
Taylor Steele
American Heritage
Citizenship in the Community
Citizenship in the Nation
Citizenship in the World
Disabilities Awareness
Environmental Science
Family Life
Indian Lore
Personal Fitness
Personal Management
Traffic Safety
Justin Weaver
Citizenship in the World
Indian Lore
Roger Zeits
Personal Fitness
Fourteen Scouts were recognized with other special awards and patches for their scouting activities.
Scout Summer Camp 2009
July 5-11, 2009
at Camp Berry, Findlay
Baden Powell Award
Tyler King
Carrick Lancaster
Nick Luke
Jared Metzger
Skyler Park (in absentia)
Roger Zeits
Chaplain's Award
Nick Luke
Jared Metzger
Learning to Swim badge
Skyler Park (in absentia)
Other Awards and Badges:
Carrick Lancaster for inviting Austen Herron to join the troop
World Conservation Award
Luke Oxender
Jamboree On The Air
October 17, 2009
at Bluffton Village Park
Jacob Barnett
Clay Burkholder
Jack Burrell
Misha Groman
Tecumseh Kibele
Tyler King
Carrick Lancaster
Jared Metzger
Roger Zeits
Klondike Derby
January 23, 2010
at Camp Lakota, Defiance
Burnt Sock Patrol
(58th place of 64 patrol sleds)
Jacob Barnett
Clay Burkholder
Jeremiah Garmatter
Misha Groman, Asst. Patrol Leader
Austen Herron
Tecumseh Kibele, Patrol Leader
Tyler King
Carrick Lancaster
Jared Metzger
Roger Zeits
Community Service
February 16, 2010
Help dig out snow around fire hydrants
Beaverdam Crew
Austen Herron
Carrick Lancaster
Roger Zeits
Clair Zeits, Asst. Scoutmaster
Adult Supervisors:
Carrita Lancaster
Victoria Zeits
Bluffton crew
Jack Burrell
Joel Groman
Misha Groman
Tyler King
Nick Luke
Jared Metzger
Kristopher Mullins
Taylor Steele
Justin Weaver
Webelos I:
Christian Groman
Kaleb Jefferson
Dan Groman, Scoutmaster
Gary Wetherill, Asst. Scoutmaster
Darrell Groman, Asst. Scoutmaster
Mike Metzger, Asst. Scoutmaster
Scoutmaster Groman recognized the
Troop Officers
elected in meeting prior to the Court of Honor.
Senior Patrol Leader Taylor Steele
Asst. Senior Patrol Leader Jonatan Moser
Patrol #1 Leader Tecumseh Kibele
Asst. Patrol Leade Jeremiah Garmatter,
Patrol #2 Leader Nick Luke
Asst. Patrol Leader Jared Metzger
Quartermaster Carrick Lancaster
Chaplain Aide Jacob Barnett
Librarian Misha Groman
Scribe Misha Groman
Historian Roger Zeits
Troop Guides: Joel Groman
David Moser
Luke Oxender
Justin Paul
Justin Weaver
The two patrols will reorganize at the next troop meeting with ten scouts joining each patrol and deciding their new patrol names. With the troop tripling in size during the past nine months, the Scout Patrol method will be emphasized, helping to foster scout - conducted troop and patrol meetings, campouts, activities and community service projects.
Scoutmaster Groman recognized the troop's adult leadership as being key to a successful troop, especially in regards to the numbers of boys who are now active. He also recognized the growth of Bluffton's cub scout pack with forty four registered Cub Scouts and Webelos.
There is great potential that the troop may well double or triple in size within the next few years as the cub scouts "cross over" to the troop. This growth can only be attributed to the dedication of adult leadership, planning and carrying out many "fun" activities for the boys and the parental support of the Scouting program.
Troop Adult leadership:
Dan Groman
Assistant Scoutmasters
Gary Wetherill
Pat Tendam
Chad Paul
Darrell Groman
Clair Zeits
Jeff Burkholder
Mike Metzger
Troop committee
Denise Fett (chair)
Denny Oxender
Victoria Zeits
Institutional Representative
American Legion Post #382, Bluffton
Fred Rodabaugh
Assistant Scoutmaster Darrell Groman offered a brief historical review of Scouting in Bluffton, while noting this year's centennial celebration of the Boy Scouts of America.
BSA was organized and founded in 1910 at the New York City YMCA, following the successful British Scout Programme founded by Sir Baden Powell in1907. Scouting in Bluffton can be traced back to 1912 when Dr. J.S. Steiner served as the town's first Scoutmaster.
Through 1938, the local troops were "unchartered" without the financial support of a local community organization. Bob Kreider, a former president of Bluffton College, has mentioned that he and his fellow Bluffton Scouts in the mid-1930's could only afford to wear a scout neckerchief as their uniform. In 1939, Troop #56 was formally organized and chartered by First Mennonite Church, the institution which supported the troop #56 / #256 for 49 years.
Pointing to the enlarged framed photo of the 1942 troop, it was noted that every scout and leader are wearing complete uniforms with Baden Powell - style scout "campaign" hats. For the past 21 years, American Legion Post #382 has been supporting the local troop. Briefly, for one year in between, Bluffton's Sportsmen's Club served as the organization of support, helping to maintain the troop's unbroken charter. 2010 marks the 71st year of continuous charter for the local troop, a milestone which few BSA troops across the country have attained.
Scouting memorabilia were on display, viewed by those in attendance. ASM Groman noted the display included vintage uniforms, merit badge sashes, patch jackets and other items from Bluffton Scouts: John Schmidt, member of the 1939 charter troop and 1942 Eagle; Thomas Brauen, 1959 Eagle and Darrell Groman, 1972 Eagle. Scoutmaster Dan showed the two plaques which recognize all 73 Eagles from the Bluffton troops: beginning with Donald Fenton who was a Lone Scout in 1924, Bob Schaublin from the unchartered Bluffton Troop #7 in 1927, Maynard Pogue from Bluffton Troop #82 in 1946 and Honorary Eagle P.C. Weisenbarger, recognized "50 years late" in 2009 as having successfully completed all of his Eagle requirements back in 1959.
Upcoming scouting events
March 13-14 Winter cabin campout at Camp Berry
May 2 Concessions at the Trout Derby
May 22 Information booth and scout historical display
at the Arts & Crafts Festival
May 31 Memorial Day Parade
in Bluffton and Rockport
September 5 BSA Centennial Scout Celebration & Reunion
for the combined Pack #256 & Troop #256
Senior Patrol Leader Taylor Steele led the scouts and guests in attendance in the troop's closing circle. Scouting in Bluffton is Alive, Well and Active during BSA's Centennial Year and will be for many years to come.
Please contact
For further information regarding Scouting in Bluffton:
For boys in First through Fifth Grades: Cubmaster Eric Reneker @ 419/358-8085
For boys in Sixth Grade through High School: Scoutmaster Dan Groman @ 419/643-5255
For information regarding Scouting history: Asst. Scoutmaster Darrell Groman @ 419/358-4440
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