It's a coyote, no, it's a fox, no, it's a dog, no, it's a bobcat; whatever it is, Bluffton's mysterious beast has returned

Loch Ness has its monster and, now, it appears that Bluffton does, too. Several sightings of an unidentified animal have been reported in Bluffton in the past week and two persons captured the creature on cell phone cameras.

Both photographs were reportedly taken on the north side of Bluffton in daylight hours. Speculation on the identify of the creature ranges all the way from a fox, a coyote, bobcat, or simply an unusual dog.

Whatever it is, it has a tail that is long enough that it appears to drag on the ground. Its coloration resembles a fox and its ears give it a cat-like appearance.

The most famous "mystery" beast that prowled Richland Township was a large cat in the mid-1970s. It reportedly killed a herd of sheep and and caused a riot that attracted Big Foot hunters and UFO researchers. That animal was never photographed or captured.

The Icon welcomes any additional photos on Bluffton's newest mystery visitor from viewer. The Icon also offers an attachment to this story showing photos of five animals in comparision to the Bluffton creature.