Riley Creek United Methodist's 42nd annual Christmas carol sing Dec. 1

Riley Creek United Methodist Church invites the community to its 42nd annual Christmas Carol Sing on Sunday, Dec. 1, at 7:30 p.m. 

Like an old-fashioned songfest around the piano, the program will feature congregational singing of many traditional carols, as well as readings from Scripture about Jesus’ birth, special performances by the Pandora United Methodist and Ottawa Sts. Peter and Paul choirs, and a candle lighting ceremony.

"Since 1972 this special service in a little church built by pioneers has provided an uplifting way to get into the Christmas spirit," said Rev. Duane A. Kemerley, pastor.

The church is located southeast of Ottawa and northwest of Pandora at the intersection of Putnam County Roads M and 7-L (7102 County Road M, Ottawa  OH  45875), across from Putnam Stone Co.

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