Bluffton students named to university dean's list

Bluffton University has announced its dean’s list for the spring term. Students with a GPA of 3.6 or higher are eligible for the dean’s list. Students with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.75 based on 20 semester hours received distinction for continued high achievement, indicated by *.

Undergraduates from this area are:

* Tamara Al-Sammarraie
Julie Althaus
* Joseph Bischoff
* Marjorie Burrell
* Elysia Bush
Kristina Ciminillo
Whitney Gleason
* Julian Harnish
Jacob Headings
* Taylor Humphreys
* Nicholas Jones
* Michael Liska
* Drew Luginbuhl
* Jonatan Moser
* David Nester
Chay Reigle
Isaac Schumacher
* Jill Steinmetz
* Stephen Tatarkov
Lauren Yost

Jeremy Basinger

Bluffton has also announced the dean’s list for the Bluffton Cohort-based Organizational Management Program (BCOMP) for the spring term. BCOMP is an accelerated degree-completion program that creates a dynamic, learning community of adults.  Students who complete the program demonstrate commitment to personal development and professional advancement within the area of organizational management. 

BCOMP students from this area are:

Sara Badertscher
* Lindsay Conrad
Tyler Hochstetler
Chad Lewandowski

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