Beaverdam Bunch 4-H Club getting ready for Allen County Fair

By Rehekah Hoff, reporter

Reminders for The Beaverdam Bunch 4-H Club

July 1st is the deadline for fair entries.  Please make sure to get a copy of your entries to Jan.  There is a new Facebook page for The Beaverdam Bunch Club so if you or your parents have Facebook, they may join.  Please continue to bring in pop tabs for our community service.

Non-livestock Judging is July 14th, and if you can’t make it on that date, call the fair office to schedule a time to go on August 14th.  If you are not judged on July 14th, you will not be able to receive county awards.  Livestock Judging is at 11:30 AM on July 19th, and makeup judging is on August 6th. 

Again, you will have to call the fair office to reschedule this.  Welding, Gardening & Woodworking judging will be on August 14th.  The days and hours to get your new 2014 fair ID are from July 14 – August 15 from 9 AM – 4 PM at the fair office.  All members with their last names starting with an I-Q will have to get a new photo for their ID, as well as all new members to 4-H.

We will be playing Bingo at Maple Crest on July 25th from 7-8 PM.