Todd Fleharty wins first Icon weekly football contest

The winner of Week 1 of the Icon football contest is Todd Fleharty.  He and three other contestants correctly picked 9 games this week and Fleharty was declared the winner based on Tie-Breaker #1.


Other contestants:

9 correct - Nancy Armour, Jared Lehman and Buckeye.

8 correct - Mark Sommers, Landyn Fleharty, David Glick, Brad Smith, Will I Am, Tammy Risner, Craig Hoffman, Marc Staley and Jim Dillman.

7 correct - Luke Amstutz, Tom Clark, Sharon Badertscher, RJ, Kim Badertscher, Duane Bollenbacher, Silas Amstutz, Mark Delisle, Dan Knapinski, Shannon Weissliing, Scott Weissling, Marvin Foster, David Dellifield, Dave Brauen and Barry Schneck.

6 correct - Dale Badertscher, Brad Jones, Bentley Dillman, Neil Reichenbach, Lisa Paugh, T Bingman and Nathan Davis.

5 correct - Becky Warren, Paul Cramer and John Clevidence.

Information for contestants

The official contest begins with week 2 (this week's contest). To be considered in the contest, all entries must have a first and last name. Entries with one name will not be judged.

No contestant may enter more than one time using the same name. If that occurs the first entry by the person will be considered the offical entry. 

For contestants who fail to list a winner in any of the contests will have that unlisted game count as a loss.