It takes a passel of women to raise a child

In some corners of the world, it takes a village to raise a child. In my world, it takes a whole passel of women -- pseudo moms to my daughters. Yes, I know I'm their mom and technically, I am the one who raised them. Okay, sure, their dad had a little to do with it. But it's Mother's Day. He'll get his own day in June.

So okay, today is Mother's Day and since I'm a mom, I'm celebrating. But I'm also keenly aware that there are a lot of women I should be thanking today for their contribution to my daughters' lives. Without those women, they'd never have become the hard-working, caring, socially responsible young women that they are.

Reflecting on this thought during my morning trek around town, a list of names began to form in my mind. Lists are dangerous -- one always forgets someone important. But still. A list is the easy way out. So here goes.

1. My mother. Grandma P. spent countless hours with the girls -- beginning in their pre-school years -- teaching them to play piano. Under her patient instruction, they learned to read music, whole steps and half steps, sharps and flats, notes and beats. She introduced them to classical music, but encouraged them to play whatever they wanted -- including the popular stuff they sometimes preferred. And when their lessons were over, she helped them sew and bake surprises for us.

2. My mother-in-law, Grandma S. retired from her nursing career to care for the girls so we could work. She read to them, sang them to sleep, made sure their favorite snacks were ready when they got home from school, and proved that even octogenarians can be feminists.

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