MMH offers volunteer opportunities this summer for teens

"Mennonite Memorial Home is fortunate to have a dedicated group of volunteers. Each summer we welcome teenagers, age 15 and older, to share their time, talent and enthusiasm with our residents and staff in the MMH Volunteen program, said Mary Ann Ring, MMH director of volunteeer services.

The MMH Volunteen program encourages local teens to serve their community and have a meaningful experience in a nursing home setting.

The Mennonite Memorial Home is now taking applications for its 2010 Volunteen program. Applications are available at the MMH front office. Volunteen opportunities are throughout the work-week during day time hours and involve calling BINGO and playing games with residents, serving afternoon beverages, cleaning birdcages, and crafting with residents.

Applications will be accepted until June. The Volunteen program will run from June 14 to Aug. 16.