$500 prize money in Bluffton residential lighting contest

Bluffton’s residential holiday lighting contest prize money totals $500 this year. The chamber contributed $350 and First National Bank contributed $150.


Judging on Dec. 6
Judging takes place on Saturday, Dec. 6. Residents wanting their displays judged must send a request to [email protected]. The e-mail request must have the family name and address listed. Or, residents may mail their request to be judged to: Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 142, Bluffton, OH 45817.

The e-mail or mailed entry assures that your residence will be judged. However, judges may also consider displays not formally entered.

Residential holiday lighting contest categories:

First place overall -  $150 prize
Second place overall - $100 prize
Third place overall - $50 prize
Mayor’s choice (chosen by Judy Augsburger) - $50 prize
Best religious - $50 prize
Best “use of lights” - $50 prize
Best “minimal” use of lights - $50 prize

The contest is open to any residence inside the Bluffton village limits. Winners will receive Bluffton chamber gift certificates, which may be used in any Bluffton business.

In addition, winners will be listed on the village holiday light map. The free maps will be posted on the chamber website, available in businesses and in the red mailbox on the Presbyterian Church lawn.

Map showing holiday lights
Residents with outdoor Christmas displays may place their residence on the 2014 Bluffton Christmas lights map.

The printer-friendly map will be posted on the Bluffton chamber website (www.explorebluffton.com) for the benefit of out-of-town persons interested in knowing where to go to view lights in Bluffton.

Printed copies of the map will be available in the Ream display red mailbox on the Presbyterian lawn. Printed copies will also be available at the Bluffton Marathon and other businesses.

The chamber has offered the free maps for several years. All Blaze sponsors are listed on the maps. Generally 400 to 500 maps are picked up, indicating the number of out-of-town visitors Bluffton has during November and December.

To place your residence on the map, e-mail your street address to: [email protected]. In the announcement, state that you wish to be placed on the holiday lights map. Maps will be updated continually during this holiday season.