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Math camp for 7th-8th-9th graders in June

Students who have completed grade seven, eight or nine and have had at least an accelerated pre-algebra course may attend the Bluffton University Junior High Mathematics Enrichment Camp June 7-11.

Led by Dr. Donald Hooley, professor of mathematics, participants will explore geometrically themed topics that do not commonly appear in either secondary or college math courses, including graph theory, knot theory, topological surfaces, non-Euclidean geometry and cellular automata.

Camp hours are 10 a.m. to noon June 7-9 and 1-3 p.m. June 10 and 11. On the first day, participants should bring a pencil or pen, calculator and notebook, along with a $10 instruction and materials fee, to the mathematics computer lab area outside Hooley~Ac^a'not^a"cs office, 310 Centennial Hall.

For more information or to register, contact Hooley at 419-358-3259 or [email protected].

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