Perfect attendance pays off at Apollo

Apollo Career Center will award a new car to one lucky student with perfect attendance., Monday, May 24, at 9:40 a.m., in the Apollo Commons. A reverse drawing of sorts, at the end two students will each be handed a set of keys. One set will start the car, and the runner-up receives a brand new Gateway computer.

Many businesses donated a variety of prizes to this year's perfect attendees and as each student's name is pulled from the basket that student will be awarded gas cards, pizzas, subs, etc. Forty-seven students are entered in this year's contest

Apollo Career Center started the car give-away to improve student attendance. Only those students who have no excused or unexcused absences, and no tardys are eligible. The car was donated by a private individual, and Automotive Technology and Automotive Collision Technology worked on the car so it looks and sounds perfect.