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Letter: I like your old photos


I really enjoyed looking at the many historic pics of Bluffton. It reminded me of one that we ran across when I was at WFIN that shows Dick Daugherty (longtime morning man/salesman/big band show host) with Alan Dudley (then WFIN Program Director) in downtown Bluffton for an on-site broadcast preceeding a parade on Main Street. The pic is from about 1953, as I recall Dick telling me (we also had a car expert date the Buick in the photo). DD has the mic, Dudley (and Mrs.Daugherty and Mrs. Dudley) looks on as Dick interviews a couple of locals in front of the town hall. I never was able to determine who the Bluffton pair were. There is a short glimpse of the pic included in this Dick Daugherty tribute slideshow from the station's website (about 40 seconds remaining).

John R. Marshall
