Bluffton Community Preschool accepting students
Bluffton Community Preschool, housed in the First United Methodist Church, is gearing up for 2015-16 enrollment, according to Shelly Matijevich, director.
"With the new year we are excited to get geared up for enrollment of 2015-2016 program years. If you are interested in our program for the fall please send us an email [email protected] and you will be contacted in February for pre-enrollment," she said.
She added that it is not too late to sign your child up for preschool. Your child must be 3 with a birthday on or before August.
The preschool has a facebook page: Bluffton Community Preschool.
Classroom options are:
• Monday- Wednesday morning - 8:05 to 10:45 a.m.
• Monday-Wednesday afternoon - 12:05 to 2:45 p.m.
• Tuesday-Thursday morning - 8:05 to 10:45 p.m.
There is an option of an additional Friday class in conjunction with Monday-Wednesday or Tuesday-Thursday class.
Persons with questions may call 419-358-0268 or email [email protected]