Planning underway for September Bluffton fall festival

Planning is underway for Bluffton’s 11th annual fall festival held Saturday, Sept. 26, according to Daren Lee of Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio.

“We ask groups who participated last year to contact us about participating again this year,” said Lee. Contact Lee at Maple Crest, 419-358-1015, ext. 101, or [email protected].

The event has a Facebook page “”  It continues to be viewed and gain “likes.”

“The planning committee is beginning to establish pick up stop points.
Groups planning to participate this year, please get in touch with me soon via email or phone,” he said.

The MHCO will provide transportation again this year with its busses and will have Mennonite Memorial Home and Maple Crest as stops with activities throughout the day.

Last year’s event included activities at Mennonite Memorial Home, Maple Crest, Willow Ridge, the Swiss Homestead, a quilt show at the elementary school, Bluffton Hospital and downtown Bluffton.

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