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15 with Ashton Cluts…on her upcoming journey to South Africa, the power of music, and being a student of the world

Interview by Sophia Marcum

After graduating Bluffton High School in 2011 and completing her undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Education (minor in Theatre) at Baldwin Wallace University, Ashton Cluts has taken some time to tell us what’s coming up next in her life…

Looking back on your undergrad experience, which opportunities are you most grateful for?

Wow, this is a tough question! There were so many opportunities that I am so glad I got to participate in. Some highlight opportunities would have to include studying abroad in Australia for five months and London for two weeks, being a member of Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, and being a member of the Women’s Choir. All of these opportunities afforded me the ability to be myself, grow in character and personality, have fun, and make memories.

What have you been up to since leaving Baldwin Wallace?

I completed my undergrad years in December 2015, although I got to walk in the Spring 2015 graduation ceremony. This Spring I was a substitute teacher in several Allen County school districts but spent most days in Bluffton. I loved the experience because I was able to teach and learn a lot, but was not responsible for writing lesson plans…which was a welcome break! This summer, before I leave, I am spending my time as a nanny, babysitter, house sitter, and dog sitter.

And then you’re off to South Africa! Can you tell us a bit about what you’ll be doing?

The camp where I’ll be going, Camp El Olam, is located in a very small village called Eston, in KwaZulu Natal South Africa. It is located in the middle of a sugar cane plantation.  The village exists because of the sugar mill. The camp was founded in 1985 by the sugar cane farm owners as a retreat for local church groups or anyone else needing to hear the word of God or seeking a place to relax.

While at the camp, I will be a counselor for the groups of children who come through. I will provide both outdoor-educational and biblically-based programs for these groups. I will also assist the camp staff in developing and growing their current curriculum. I will also be taking on the role of creating a youth choir at the school that shares a property with the camp.  

What are you most looking forward to during your time serving at the camp?

Definitely spending time with the kids and learning as much as I can from them. As well as spending an entire year being able to be outside, experiencing God’s creation in an environment completely different from what I’m used to.

That’s absolutely incredible. Tell us a little bit about the fundraising you've been doing for your service immersion.

A required part of the program I am participating in called Serving and Learning Together (SALT), through Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), is to fundraise about half of what it takes MCC to send a “SALTer” to location. So, for this term I have to raise $5,800. I am very close to my goal now. I have sent numerous emails and letters to people I know as well as held a fundraiser dinner at my home church which included food that I will experience at the camp on a regular basis.

I am always willing to accept donation from anyone looking to support my efforts to spread God’s word and my own love to those around the world. An easy way to donate is my online giving registry which can be found at this link Anyone who feels moved to support me, I thank from the bottom of my heart. The financial piece of my mission is definitely the most stressful part.

Behind your hopes to start a choir and relate to children through music-  are there any role models from your own childhood who inspired your musical passion           

Of course, all of my music teachers that I have had in my life (from piano lessons starting in 2nd grade to my choir directors and voice teacher in college) have prepared me with the musical skills and knowledge needed to share my love of music with others.

However, Mrs. Lewis from Bluffton Elementary was the first person who showed me how music therapy can be a healing and wonderful experience. Experiencing adolescent music therapy firsthand definitely shaped my views on the power of music. Even though my students in South Africa may not necessarily have disabilities, I believe music can be therapy for your soul, which is how I hope to touch the lives of my students.

How has music played a role in shaping your view and experience of the world?

Music has played a very important role in my life as a means of worship, friendship, and expression. I believe that my love of music has shaped the person I am today. Because of this, music is my connection to the world. Anywhere we go there is music, and it is embedded in the history and culture of all peoples. I hope that I can teach some practical skills and knowledge to the children at Hope Valley Farm School, but also deepen their love and appreciation for the power that music has.

If a movie on your life was to be produced, what would it be called?

I have no idea! I love movies and have actually visited Hobbiton in New Zealand, and climbed Mt. Doom. (potential titles are below)

“Small Town Girl, Seeing/Serving the World”

“Ashton’s Adventures”

“There and Back Again, Ashton’s Story”

“When you do what they never thought you would: but you knew you could”

Having been to Australia, England, Italy, and Honduras, how has traveling abroad impacted your life so far?

Traveling abroad has really instilled a love of travel and learning. I love experiencing other cultures, getting to embrace the differences and similarities of people all around the world. My travels have also played a large part in helping me find myself and to figure out who I am. When you are somewhere uncomfortable with all new people, it seems easier to get a glimpse of what you want out of life and the kind of people you want to surround yourself with.

Having grown up in Bluffton, how has the town's community impacted your life?

Bluffton prepared me for travel by showing me what they mean by “it takes a whole village.”

This town has helped to raise me and shape my personality thus far, giving me the tools I needed to step outside and experience the world. I know that wherever I go, whatever I do, I have the support of many people and that is a truly wonderful thought to hold, especially on those homesick days.

If you’d like to wish Ashton well before she heads to South America (or you’d like to place a vote for her best movie title), leave a comment below!


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