University football coaches host K-8 football clinic July 19

Denny Dorrel, Bluffton University football coach, and his staff are hosting a fred football clinic on Friday, July 29, for students entering grades K-8 in the fall.

Coach Dorrel is eagerly anticipating his third season at the helm of Bluffton's football team. In an effort to bring his love of football to the area's youth, Coach Dorrel, along with his staff and team, will be directing the clinic, 6-8:30 p.m., Friday, July 29, on the campus of Bluffton University.

Coach Dorrel said, "This is a great opportunity to come and be coached by the football staff and players of Bluffton University. Learn the fundamentals and techniques the Beavers will be using this fall on offense, defense, and special teams!"

This is a non-contact clinic. No helmets or pads will be worn.

Bluffton University Football Youth Clinic
July 29, 2016 - 6 - 8:30 p.m.
Practice fields
K-8 grade fall of 2016

PLEASE BRING: Cleats/Tennis shoes, shorts, and T-Shirt

For more information, contact Coach Dorrel at [email protected] or 419-358-3636