Unemployment assistance program today at Senior Center

An opportunity for persons in the community who need unemployment assistance is planned at 10 a.m., Friday, July 23, at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center.

The event is being organized by Mark Neddean of Vance Street Apartments. According to the senior citizens newsletter, the event is to help those affected by recent or long-term unemployment.

Participating in the program are representatives from Allen County Job and Family Services, YMCA and the Allen County Food Bank.The Food Bank will provide food for a noon meal during the event. The Senior Citizens Assocation is asking for persons to volunteer to help in the kitchen.

Persons wanting more information about the event may contact Neddean at Vance Street Apartments, 137 Vance St., 419-358-7795, or Tonya Meyer at the Senior Center, 132 N. Main St., 419-348-8971.

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