Here's September events at Bluffton University

Several events open to the public are on the Bluffton University September calendar. Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted:
Sept. 9 Colloquium: “Arts Advocacy through Performance, Research and Outreach,” Friday Colloquium by Lucia Unrau, professor of music, 4 p.m., Stutzman Lecture Hall
Sept. 11 Art Exhibit: Reception with artists Laura Barnhardt-Corle and Valerie Escobedo, 1-3 p.m., Sauder Visual Arts Center
Sept. 13 Forum: President’s Forum presentation, 11 a.m., Founders Hall
Sept. 20 Forum: "Juveniles and the Law: The Puzzle," Constitution Day Forum presentation by The Honorable Glenn H. Derryberry, Allen County juvenile/probate court judge, 11 a.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Sept. 22 Concert: Artist Series performance by Akropolis, 7:30 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Sept. 23 Colloquium: “Whose Land is This Anyway?: Mormons and Land Reform in Mexico,” Friday Colloquium by Rebacca Janzen, 4 p.m., Stutzman Lecture Hall
Sept. 27 Forum: Presentation by Bluffton students reporting on spring 2016 cross-cultural experiences, 11 a.m., Founders Hall
Sept. 27 Forum: “Mennonite Peacemaking in Central America,” evening Forum presentation by Willi Hugo Perez, 7 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall

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