Nov. 17 benefit for Deb Bollenbacher

Earlier this summer long-time Bluffton resident Deb Bollenbacher was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis, which is an inflammation of the spinal cord.

A benefit raffle in her behalf is planned from 6 to 9 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 17, at the Bluffton Middle School cafetorium, according to Nicole LoBianco, who heads up the event.

Bollenbacher was an OB nurse for 40 years including 15 at Bluffton Hospital. Married to Duane Bollenbacher, the couple co-founded the S.H.A.N.N.O.N Service Club (Sharing Hopes and Nourshing Needs of Neighbors).

In late May, Deb’s husband, Duane, found Deb almost totally unresponsive. She was transported to Blanchard Valley Hospital, Findlay. There she had very little pulse and complete renal failure.

According to Duane, the next day as Deb was in the ICU and doctors discovered she was paralyzed from the check down. She was immediately life-flighted to the University of Toledo Medical Center. There she was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis, which is an inflammation of the spinal cord.

During this past summer Deb was in three hospitals and two additional facilities. The Bollenbachers recently moved to a one-story home in Bluffton that is handicapped accessible. Duane purchased a wheelchair-accessible conversion van to transport Deb.

Deb has slight feeling in her legs and feet, but no movement. She is either in bed or in her wheelchair, according to Duane.

She is now in physical therapy rehab twice weekly at the University of Toledo Medical Center.

LoBianco told the Icon, “My hope for this auction is to relieve some of the stresses that come from medical, housing and many other bills accumulated since May.”

Benefit details:

A raffle with a snack bar, 50-50 drawing and entertainment takes place from 6 to 9 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 17, at the Bluffton Middle School cafeteria.

Persons interested in donating items for a raffle or a monetary donation may contact LoBianco at 419-306-8896 for more information.





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