Access Ohio 2040 has Bluffton in its sights
This is the first in a two-part series on a proposed national and statewide bicycle route network that could pass through Bluffton’s Main Street. It needs Bluffton council’s support for it to take place.
If Bluffton council agrees, the village will be on “the map.”
“The map” is Ohio’s first U.S. and State Bike Route network map. It’s part of an Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) long-range plan, Access Ohio 2040. It’s a coordinated effort with local jurisdictions like Bluffton to get the bike route network in place.
According to Beth Clark, of ODOT, who presented the plan to Bluffton council members on Jan. 9, the network is similar to the interstate and state route system of highways.
ODOT will have five U.S. bike routes and 18 state bike routes. One of these, Route 25, may pass through Bluffton’s Main Street. Bluffton’s route is designated as a national route and takes bikers in Ohio from Cincinnati to Toledo. It follows the old U.S. Route 25.
Bluffton’s council needs to approve legislation to make the plan go forward.
In the first reading of the legislation on Jan. 9, council voted 3-3 on the proposal. Voting yes were Phill Talavinia, Shawn Burrell and Joe Sehlhorst. Voting no were Roger Warren, Richard Johnson and Ralph Miller. A second reading is on the Jan. 23 council agenda. Should there continue to be a 3-3 tie, Mayor Judy Augsburger must cast the tie-breaker.
During the discussion, Warren stated a concern that if Bluffton okays the plan down the road ODOT might impose things on the village – similar to Bluffton losing its Main-College stop light.
The Icon understands that the Jan. 23 vote could be in favor of the route, as some council members who originally voted no, have indicated they plan to vote yes.
The Jan. 9 meeting was a packed house of pro-bike supporters. Eight persons spoke in favor of the route down Bluffton’s Main Street. They were Jennifer Wilson, Jonathan Andreas, Tobias Buckell, Shelly Miller, Lisa Robeson, Steve Harnish, Raymond Harner and Fred Steiner.
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